Joelle Glidden

The webpage of this person. Lives in Maine.


Scalable SVG graphics that I made with Inkscape.

SDF Decscope Logo


Guitar and/or bass tablature that I completely or partially transcribed. Mostly for obscure songs that I couldn't find anywhere else.

Eric Idle
The FCC Song

Bobby Prince
Sign Of Evil

They Might Be Giants
Birdhouse in Your Soul


I'm in the band Huak.

I'm going to make an actual website for us soon, I'll be on it soon. 'Till then:

Here's our Myspace page.

Songs I've recorded.

Elysian City - A track I submitted to the SDF Compilation CD Vol 4.

The Absurd - This song is about existential angst.

Miscellaneous Digital Posessions

Image Directory

Gofera Flogo